Grouf all variant Covid Protocol (updated 2023)
1. Olive Leaf 500mg every 12 hours
2. NAC 600 mg every 12 hours with Bromelain 500 mg
3. Quercetin 500mg with 500-1000mg vit c
4. Zinc 25 mg/day, vid d 1000 iu
5. Garlic and Ginger 500mg
6. Saffron 88mg/day
7.Chinese Skullcap 500mg every 12 hours
8. Berberis (Barberry bark) 500mg/day
9. Milk Thistle 500 mg/day
10 day protocol (15 days recommended), use as needed therefter.
Lactobacillus Plantarum 1/day,s
Atragalus 500 mg/day
Glycine 500mg/day
The earlier version of the Grouf Covid Protocol will be deleted.
Please share to save lives
The protocol is FREE, but if you desire to send donations, you can send them to my paypal at
Thank you
Is this for long covid ?