Note please, the earlier version of the cancer protocol is now void and will be deleted from this substack. There are a few additions to supplements, a couple of deletions, and fewer days with lower doses to make it more manageable.
Take notes/research/collect all supplements like your life depended on it, because it does! Cancer is no joke. Published research on pubmed, in peer reviewed journals, suggests all these are highly effective in eliminating cancer. I will collect all of the research given time and publish that in pdf booklet form from my Twitter suspended account(s) and make that available for $5 to all those interested. The protocol is free, as is all the research published on the substack.
** Add Astragalus 500 mg, to this protocol
These suggestions are provided FREE for you to research on your own for your particular condition. Research based on which these supplements were chosen will be made available as pdf booklet once completed.
The protocol is provided FREE, if desired, send donations to my paypal :
Add 15 minutes of daily grounding/earthing, sit in your yard barefoot, feet touching the earth/grass. Also add intermittent fasting, at least 16 hours gap between food, 3 days a week at least and look into a magnetic wristband if it can be safely worn for healing.
Add Berberine, Barberry root 500 mg to main list tu,th, or more based on initial spread of disease.
Use 700 mg Turmeric with #4 Quercetin +c
Use 10 mg bioperene with Resveratrol in #5/ MWF segment.
Also recommend Dandeloin 500mg, 3 days a week