Suggest using strong magnets*, in contact with body for 30 minutes a day. Of course do your own research, consult your doctor and if you have any electrical equipment inserted in your body like pacemakers, avoid.
* Cheap strong magnet from Harbor Freight $2.99
Add 15 minutes of daily grounding to magnetic therapy for extra benefits, simply attach a wire buried outside in the ground to this grounding band available for $2 online.
All research is shared FREE, but if you desire to send donations, you can send them to my paypal at
“Cheap strong magnet from Harbor Freight $2.99”.
You’re so on 🔥🔥🔥. Love how you think Doc.
This may sound weird, but do you think the 'immortality rings' by Alex Chiu may have a benefit then? Or would the magnets be too small to have a beneficial effect? [Chiu was an eccentric health related inventor active on the Internet in the early 2000s.]
The science is beyond me, but according to this older Amazon page, for both rings combined the gauss rating is 4000.
You can see the design of the magnetic rings here:
Would appreciate any input on this...