All of my protocols are free ( for research purposes) and I have deliberately kept everything free including subscriptions on substack. It takes long hours and a lot of hard work and effort to collect research, prepare protocols and then share them all. People who can, need to support this effort voluntarily through donations. Thus far only one person consistently contributes to this effort which is unsustainable. If you have saved thousands of dollars on doctor and veterinary bills due to these protocols and have benefited and also have stable employment, you need to contribute.
All donations are welcomed at my paypal “” . Only if you can afford to, the amount you can afford to so those who can't can also benefit. The substack and protocols will in any case remain totally free and so will the collected pdf booklet for those who cannot afford it. Thank you.
Dr. Grouf
Yes, will do so, Dr. I send many people to your Substack to order. Bless you and thank you for your goodness and generosity.
ok good idea...didn't think of. Will do from friend.
Appreciate you!