This is a soft cloth neck brace with 9 magnets built into a self heating tourmaline cloth. It sells for $5 on ebay. Turn it around so the magnets face the front of throat, velcro strap is back of neck. The magnets in this will clear Omicron plus other viruses from the throat, and the self heating cloth, like fever, will supplement it.
It is a published fact that magnets:
increase blood flow
modulate immunity
enhance tissue, bone repair
have antioxidant effect through repair of disruptions in body’s magnetic field and generation of negative ions
Make viruses go after bacteria instead of healthy cells
In under 48 hours, these should make a discernable difference in any throat infection or injury, whether through Omicron, tonsillitis, laryngitis or other upper respiratory infection causing bugs. Add to the topical appication of olive oil+leaf mix to throat as suggested,use saline+olive leaf+ neem nasal rinse and gargle, and topical only application of 3% hydrogen peroxide solution to throat area.
In addition to the Grouf covid prophylaxis these measures, especially magnets should make a huge differene in preventing new infection and spread as well as protection against Pfizer and Moderna shed spike.
All protocols, inventions, suggestions are provided free to those who would like to research them further for use. Donations are accepted, send to my paypal :
Cool idea
Cool can you share sources about your facts?