In an endless emergency economy, emergencies and wars are not only created, they are associated with massive government spending that has direct relationship to the perpetuation of the emergency, this spending in the trillions of dollars is recycled to the major corporations as government subsidies to grow their business and to help them lay off workers and restrict supply to drive up prices. As a result, the top 1% of the top 1% own more wealth than 90% of the rest of the population.
Limited “facts on the ground”, extreme heat or cold in one spot vs global averages over time and historically, are presented as empirical evidence to convince naive masses that the world is ending and only they understand it and know how to fix it. Not only are the fixes deadlier than the highlighted problem, they inevitably involve misery and loss of life in the present to avert some fictitious future disaster.
When the climate change narrative was first proposed, as an occurrence caused by human action (false), scientists overwhelmingly rejected it. Causation is complex requiring historical estimates, multiple variables, natural adjustment compensa.tion, correction etc. We are not even sure if unusual warming is actually occurring globe wide let alone what the causes might be. However, funding by corporate foundations and celebrities like Al Gore, eventually shifted the narrative and scientists complied because big money was involved, as they always do with desires of the capitalist elite, who are the worst polluters on the planet.
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