Twitter censors have locked the account of my friend Hachi because he challenged TomFreidman who was pushing vac to kids ( selling drugs to kids) by stating more kids were hospitalized with Omicron than Delta so they need to be vaxxed. That charlatan is pushing a vax useless in stopping any infection or hospitalizatuon and completely helpless against Omicron, those are the facts. Also, it is a fact this vax sheds we know that based on testimony of effects felt by countless folk including myself, papers that specify the role of exosomes in the vax as well as acknowledgement by Pfizer and FDA. It is clear Twitter wants to get rid of Hachi because he challenges and defeats official narrative and has got over 6000 follows in three months vs my 9000 in two years.
Consider following our friend Dr. Eugene on Twitter in case Hachi gets suspended
It is so ironic that Twitter punishes users for misinformation or breaking the rules when the reality is that they are punishing those for spreading the TRUTH.
Can someone link me a paper on exosomal shedding? Thanks.