Many commentators are missing the point, calling someone an asshole on Twitter should not be grounds for locking out or suspension, it's a convenient excuse to get rid of "lawful- awfuls"
well we know how censorship works: You post information that gets people killed, that's fine. But dare you swear at the person who's getting people killed, dare you use those BAD WORDS, and you will get censored.
I don't comprehend how people who are that brittle in their sensibilities survive any better than those who get offended at every woke potential. (Next it'll be someone aghast because I can't remember when to use who vs whom. 🙄)
Many commentators are missing the point, calling someone an asshole on Twitter should not be grounds for locking out or suspension, it's a convenient excuse to get rid of "lawful- awfuls"
well we know how censorship works: You post information that gets people killed, that's fine. But dare you swear at the person who's getting people killed, dare you use those BAD WORDS, and you will get censored.
Flak means "over target." Thanks for fighting, Grouf.
Looks like you attempt to be as creative as me in finding ways to state the A hole word 😂 Oh darn, I missed that fun argument.
There are so many times that I want to swear like a pirate and worse on Twitter.
RFK is a good example of handling crap with dignity
Name calling just lowers one to an unproductive level.
One’s point can be made with more grace.
some people seek to muddy the posts by deliberate bs they need to be called out and disgraced
IF you did use vile language you should apologize to your readers and take responsibility for harming your cause.
no, that asshole deserved the words i used for him, you don't like my use of language, leave
I don't comprehend how people who are that brittle in their sensibilities survive any better than those who get offended at every woke potential. (Next it'll be someone aghast because I can't remember when to use who vs whom. 🙄)
Don’t care about beef. Care about how astragalus cures myocarditis? Link?
i don't care what you care about, leave my stack