“Emperor Elonicus” is not to be trusted!! That is the great dissident and playwright C. J. Hopkin’s name for Elon. What a fool people have been to fall for his line. He has pocketed more government largesse for all of his projects (Pay Pal, Space X, Tesla and on and on) than just about any rich mo-fo. Can’t stand the guy.
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It will be only worse, but I won't stop. Hope you won't also.
Still, eh? Means "still over target." Keep fighting.
Sorry to hear that.
Twitter is essentially worthless nowadays.
Will tweet about it
I haven't been suspended yet, bit under the "new improved" regime my engagement on X has dropped about 80%.
Doc, you may want to check out decentralized tweet platforms like minds.com as a backup. There are 6 million plus followers and growing.
When will you all realize that guy is NOT YOUR FRIEND?
Alternative platforms, and printing press changed the world before... as it may have to again! 🤣
Egregious- thank you for letting us know. I just posted this!
“Emperor Elonicus” is not to be trusted!! That is the great dissident and playwright C. J. Hopkin’s name for Elon. What a fool people have been to fall for his line. He has pocketed more government largesse for all of his projects (Pay Pal, Space X, Tesla and on and on) than just about any rich mo-fo. Can’t stand the guy.
Any reason given?
Great link for Dr. McCullough! Thanks!