Keep fighting Grouf, and pick your battles judiciously.

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Yep, same thing happened to me about 6 weeks ago! I was accused of violent speech. I'm suspended permanently.

There was a video of a tsa worker working his dog at an airport. Almost at every turn they made the man would violently jerk his dog during training often jerking the dog off his feet to where the dog slid across the floor. This happened many times and it upset me that he would do that to the dog.

I made the statement that, "maybe somebody should put a chain around his neck and jerk him all over the place!"

What I was thinking, " I wonder how he'd like it if he had a chain around his neck and he was jerked around the airport?"

Either way, I wasn't serious about hurting that man but X assumed that I was and suspended me.

We're in the same place, suspended!

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The Twatter has gone the way of the Faceplant for me... I can't be bothered wasting time there, what with all the censoring.

Once Substack starts censoring, I'll have to be finding another platform, and if there are none, then I'll just have to go out physically, locally, pamphleteering.

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Really pathetic. Look in the mirror, Elon.

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Yep...many of us have been kicked off repeatedly.

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Nothing surprises me on X anymore.

I'm on my 4th account, so I know what it's like.

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That's crazy.

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