Also have a squirt bottle nearby, to re-dampen your forehead and top of your head;) together with a fan...
If worse gets to worse, you can also put ice packs on your large arteries: axillary arteries under the arms, and the large femoral arteries on the groin. Works for fevers, too.
Thank you, Dr. Grouf! An AWESOME solution for emergency A/C during the summer!
I also wear damp clothes when I garden and read that settlers dampened their top sheets before trying to sleep on hot nights.
Both took a little getting used to but now regularly refresh me in the heat of summer:)
Maybe also go to bed with wet hair ~ helps cool through evaporation at the top of the head!
Great idea in California!
If the humidity is it is in North Carolina...these evaporation cooling systems don’t work as well:(
Will try the damp hair this summer:)
Also have a squirt bottle nearby, to re-dampen your forehead and top of your head;) together with a fan...
If worse gets to worse, you can also put ice packs on your large arteries: axillary arteries under the arms, and the large femoral arteries on the groin. Works for fevers, too.