500 mg rutin 250 mg Quercetin, 500 mg vitamic c with bioflavonoids, 500 mg Turmeric. Get a neoperene band for the waist, affix 4 magnets to it like above. I have personally tested this band on right hand circ/arthritis problems and its extremely effective, to the extreme.
can also use athletic tape, available at dollar store, to cut a small portion of the tape and attach magnet directly to area of pain on body
I have a couple of compressed discs in my back. I have some Rutin. Imma try it and see if it helps. What do you think an effective dose might be?
500 mg rutin 250 mg Quercetin, 500 mg vitamic c with bioflavonoids, 500 mg Turmeric. Get a neoperene band for the waist, affix 4 magnets to it like above. I have personally tested this band on right hand circ/arthritis problems and its extremely effective, to the extreme.